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    H-CUBE Project

    Eastern European Countries have some of the fastest growing rates of HBV, HCV and HIV/AIDS infection in the world, especially among young people aged 15 - 24. The impact is associated with still insufficient public awareness, frequent stigmatization and lack of adequate policy instruments to cope with these diseases.
    H-CUBE project aims to provide strong basis for monitoring health determinants in STDs spreading. The general objectives of the project will be to identify and disseminate good practices, contents and tools about Hepatitis B (HBV), Hepatitis C (HCV) and HIV training programmes and prevention campaigns aiming to help Public Administrations and NGOs in the EU, particularly in Italy, Romania, Greece, Slovenia, Poland, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Hungary, Cyprus, Malta and Lithuania. All information will be useful to organise, targeted on local needs, training courses for health care personnel directly involved in treatments and support services.
    The training courses will help parents to become more aware on these specific infectious diseases issues, to be able to give detailed information to their children. Additionally, prevention campaigns in all meeting venues (schools, discos, pubs, bars, sport centres, etc) for young people, the population most at risk of infection, will be organised in the participating countries. In addition, the prevention material will be distributed also among people working with young people in conditions that could be at risk of infection as dentists, tattoos artists, beauticians and hairdressers.

    Methods and means
    H-CUBE project will be structured in three macro-tasks. Firstly, each partner will carry on the analysis of the local contexts studying the literature on the fight against HBV, HCV and HIV/AIDS to identify the best practices among EU countries, particularly among the partners. Secondly, thanks to the mapping and analysis of all the actions implemented in the participating countries, it will be possible to develop a multilingual and multimodal digital platform containing all the references (DB) about the health/education trainers, the key-actors of each participating country. This platform will also provide an e-learning environment for HBV, HCV and HIV education using innovative pedagogical approaches and new online learning and training methods. Finally, a prevention campaign will be organised in several  meeting venues attended by young people to raise awareness about HBV, HCV and HIV/AIDS risk of infection among young people. The venues will be selected by the partners, with the teachers and managers of discos, pubs, bars and sport centres attended by young people to check their availability to host the prevention campaign activities. 
    The campaign will be based on actions in the traditional field and action in the digital field.
    Each task has a precise outcome in order to achieve the general objective of the project. The identification of best practices among EU countries, particularly among partners of H-CUBE project in the fight against HBV, HCV and HIV/AIDS will aim to identify innovative strategies to promote safer sex among adolescents, including those at higher risk, including access to targeted services, and raised awareness of sexually transmitted infections and their prevention.
    Starting from the analysis of local contexts and thanks to the international seminars, the project partners will be able to transfer the identified good practices in the new EU MS, by adapting the methodology of the local actors working in the fight of HBV, HCV and HIV/AIDS;  identifying good practices and sharing the know-how of the most experienced partners, and creating a multiplier effect of the evidence base prevention methods proposed by the transfer of good practices.
    These best practices will be transferred and disseminated in the New EU Member States by the seminar held in Lefkosia, e-learning training courses for Health/Education professionals and a prevention campaign addressing young people and their families.
    The e-learning training course will prepare professionals and parents to teach on HBV, HCV and HIV programmes while, finally, the prevention campaign will be organised in several the meeting venues attended by young people.

    Expected outcomes

    Each task has a precise outcome in order to achieve the general objective of the  project.
    1.    Identification of best practices among countries partner of H-CUBE project in the fight against HBV, HCV and HIV/AIDS. Identification of innovative evidence base strategies to promote safer sex among adolescents, including those at higher risk. The innovative strategies will include access to targeted services, and actions to raise awareness of sexually transmitted infections and their prevention. These best practices will help the NGOs and PAs of the New Member States participating in the project to address in the best way the organisation of future prevention campaigns and will have the purpose to optimise their results in the mid-term.
    2.    Transfer of good practices in the New European Member States. To adapt the methodology of the local actors working in the fight of HBV, HCV and HIV/AIDS to the identified good practices and to transfer the know-how of the most experienced partners creating a multiplier effect of the prevention methods proposed by the exchange of good practices. These best practices will be adapted, transferred and disseminated in the New EU Member States by a series of actions: a seminar held in Lefkosia, e-learning training courses for Health/Education professionals and a prevention campaign addressing young people and their families.
    3.    A training course for operators of the partners about how to use the digital platform. The training course (6 hours) will be organized during the first project meeting once the platform will be ready to work.
    4.    E-learning training courses. The courses will prepare professionals and parents to teach on the specific STDs subjects. The training course will be carried out by means of the following activities:
    a. identification of all the EU relevant training programmes concerning HBV, HCV and HIV. During the meeting in Lefkosia, a special session will be dedicated to the selection and validation of the contents of the training courses. This phase will lead to the identification of all EU relevant training programmes concerning the 3 diseases and to identify “good practices”. Once identified the best programmes and methodologies of teaching at EU level, the partners will adapt the chosen methodology according to their local needs.
    b. Organisation of the courses.
    c. Publication of a manual containing the training materials (available in digital version).
    d. European prevention campaign
    e. To raise the awareness of young people most at risk of infection living in the  New Member States participating in the project. Organisation of prevention campaigns in several meeting venues attended by young people. An appealing communication strategy will be developed in order to reach the widest audience as possible. This strategy will be set taking into account the lifestyles, behaviours, cultures and religious differences of each participating country. The campaign will be also addressed to people working with young people in conditions which could be at risk of infection.